Quarterly Review | Review of Top Articles by TOSUN for Q2 2024

Quarterly Review | Review of Top Articles by TOSUN for Q2 2024

From April to June, for TSMaster software, we mainly shared the updates of important software features, such as new support for DoIP diagnostics, new RPC server and client, and other application articles; secondly, we also shared the new release of TTS series products, as well as other hardware product feature upgrades; in the part of the exhibition, we also participated in the industry's key trade fairs: the German Automotive Testing Show, CiA China Technology Day, etc. Follow me to see what was released in the second quarter. We have also participated in key industry exhibitions, such as the German Automotive Testing Show, CiA China Technology Day, etc. Follow me to see what has been released in the second quarter.

Top 5 Most Popular Articles

TSMaster is a domestic software tool that integrates automotive bus embedded code generation, monitoring, simulation, development, UDS diagnostics, CCP/XCP calibration, ECU flashing, I/O control, test and measurement, and other functions. In the software version 2024.04, many new features have been added, among which the long-awaitedDoIP diagnostics are finally available in the latest update! At the same time, the emulation module, API interface, toolbox moduleetc. were updated.

Vehicular Ethernet Diagnostics Protocol, Diagnostics over Internet Protocol abbreviated as DoIP, allows automotive diagnostics over Ethernet protocol.DoIP is a standard protocol for communication and diagnostics between vehicles or between vehicles and diagnostic equipment.With DoIP, diagnostic engineers can access and diagnose the vehicle's electronic systems via Ethernet or remotely, and can perform diagnostic access and flashing of the Ethernet controller.

If a complete test of the ECU is required, not only the communication network needs to be connected to the test system, but also the I/O interfaces.TOSUN's TTS test system integrates all the circuit components required to connect I/O channels into a single module, which can greatly simplify the setup of test benches and HIL test systems, and improve the efficiency of building and testing.

TOSUN, as a global leading enterprise in the basic tool chain of automotive electronics, is actively expanding the European market and increasing the layout of overseas markets. The latest technology and products in the automotive industry were presented to the on-site visitors at the exhibition site, many of whom showed great interest in our products and made in-depth inquiries and exchanges.

On June 12 and 14, CiA China Technology Days were held in Shanghai and Guangzhou respectively, attracting many experts in the CAN bus field to gather together.TOSUN participated in this event and delivered a wonderful speech with the theme of "CAN bus application in China's automotive electronics field", which gained wide attention and favorable comments from the participants.

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