2024 4th Annual Yanchi Auto Conference
The fourth annual Yanji Auto Conference, organized by Yanji Auto Technology, will be held on August 1-2 in Shanghai.TOSUN was invited to participate in this conference and show the latest version of TSMater software and the latest Ethernet products and solutions on site.We look forward to seeing you at booth T14!

Exhibition time
August 1-2, 2024
Exhibition Location
Longemont Hotel Shanghai
TOSUN Booth No.
Sneak Preview of Exhibits
❖ TSMaster-Latest Upgrade Features
- Supports DoIP diagnostics
TSMaster supports the DoIP function, which is realized with the Ethernet hardware of TOSUN as the basis. In TSMaster, you can set the network interface information and configure the corresponding diagnostic process for flashing.

- Ethernet related API interfaces

- TSSocket Protocol
TSSocket stack is developed by TOSUN, independent of the operating system comes with the TCP/IP stack .

- TSMaster x64 software version

❖ Latest Hardware Products
TOSUN automotive bus hardware tools are available in CAN/CAN FD/LIN/FlexRay/Automotive Ethernet to USB and Ethernet PC interfaces, as well as CAN FD-CAN gateway, CAN/LIN offline data logger, offline flashing tool, remote diagnostic and flashing tool, and so on. Also recently releasedMulti-channel in-vehicle Ethernet/CAN FD/LIN simulation test tool, CAN bus conformance test system, TTS series products, conformance interferometer products, multi-channel CAN FD gateway/router, multi-channel CAN FD-to-USB/WIFI devices.And so on.

❖ Solutions
TOSUN has been deeply plowing into the field of automotive electronics basic tool chain, and is committed to providing independent and innovative solutions to the engineering problems in the fields of automotive R&D and manufacturing, industrial production and so on!
- ECU Flashing Program
- CCP/XCP calibration program
- Bus Conformance Test Program
- HIL Simulation Test Solution
- SecOC test solution based on TSMaster
- TSMaster-based Charging Test System
- EMB calibration/testing equipment
- Component Endurance Testing Solutions
- FCT Testing Solutions
- EOL offline testing program
- Aftermarket Diagnostics & Flashing Solutions