TSMaster UDS Diagnostics Functionality
Diagnosis is an important function of an automotive ECU. While the vehicle is in operation, sensors located throughout the vehicle can track multiple faults that can occur at any time in the vehicle's electrical or electronic system. The TOSUN tool chain assists users to conveniently develop, verify and flash the UDS protocol based on fault diagnosis related functions.
The TSMaster diagnostic function supports configuration diagnostics and diagnostic services, and automated diagnostics can be realized with UDS-based FBL flashing.

Diagnostic parameter configuration

Basic diagnostic configuration
Users can edit the diagnostic database by themselves, including the settings of each service, the parameters related to request and answer, etc. We have also integrated 34, 36 and 37 services together to facilitate the uploading of files that need to be downloaded (Hex, bin, S19); various checksums can also be set.
Diagnostic Console
Execute the services configured in Diagnostics: you can set up automatic comparison of the response results to be correct.

Automated Diagnostic Process
Here you can customize the process, you can define the diagnostic services directly, or you can select the diagnostic services configured in front of you, and the arrangement order is draggable at will, so it is very convenient to create various different processes for Flash Bootloader flushing.
Diagnostic application scenarios
UDS-based FBL brushing and writing
High-precision acquisition and playback