Technology Interconnection Innovation Exchange
June 6, 2024TOSUN "Technology Interconnection and Innovation Exchange" activity inValeo's Wuhan Center for Comfort and Driver Assistance Systems heldThe content of this event is mainly centered on the latest functions of TSMaster software and other aspects. The content of this event mainly focuses on the latest features of TSMaster software and other aspects, the scene attracted many engineers to come to exchange, and jointly discuss the current industry hot spots and the latest technology.

Event site

TOSUN for the current needs of customers related to this technical exchange day to fully demonstrate theThe powerful functions of TSMaster software in simulation, testing, diagnosis, calibration, etc.; also shared the latest solutions of Tongxing in bus consistency test, charge/discharge test, etc..

During the tea break of the event, the engineers had a warm exchange and discussion with the on-site technical support of Tongxing.